I wasn't initially sure if I wanted to share the GoFundMe link, but I've had a few folks ask for it, so here it is! https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-briana-bostons-legal-defense

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Excellent article!

> Secondary subtitle: "We have the right to say dumb sh*t"

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Thanks, Metta! I KNEW there was a clever title in there somewhere 😆

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You sounded so journalistic and proper throughout that I spit out my water when you said “dumb shit.” Twice.

Ok, am I the only person who thinks the etched words on the bullets are the equivalent of “the terrorists’ passports were found unscathed by the crumbled towers?”

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HA! I’m glad I gotcha with my strategically timed foul mouth 😁 The etched bullets are definitely strange, as is the notebook they discovered on Mangione which apparently laid out his entire plan in explicit detail. Suuuuper convenient

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Right?!? Who writes these plots? This wouldn’t pass a freshman theatre student’s sniff test.

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