Good for you this is a fantabulous human rights issue that affects so many individuals without your skills and courage to challenge the system when it abuses the public. Couldn't be prouder and know the research will be meticulous. What's always is a bit surprising that such a talented, well informed, articulate and charismatic figure isn't overflowing with confidence but I'll chalk it up to humility with sky high aspirations.. like the supermodel effect where they feel less than the magazine image & insecure about their looks, missing entirely how far their imperfect selves are beyond what average folks look like.. ooh another theory maybe you are too handsome!! <3

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Thank you so much, Pamela. Humility is always my goal, and I'm glad that shows. I think I do undersell myself sometimes and that sets me back, but all in all, I work hard to achieve my lofty goals, and I believe I will win this case based on the merits. Get ready to hear the details of HOW the Government argues it didn't discriminate, and why it refuses to rule out doing this again... (even though COVID is supposedly behind us!)

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I hope you get a judge that's tired of the nonsense and lays it all out.

As frustrating as bad decisions can be, good ones are always juicy to read.

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We can certainly hope! I intend to do the best I can in laying it out for the court. My Application for Judicial Review is robust, and my affidavit will be even better. :D

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Way to go Liam!

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Thanks so much, Albert :)

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Of course, I’ll buy a coffee for a fellow Vancouverite!

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Thank you so much, Jack! I really appreciate it!

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As one of the unvaxxed/unmasked “fringe minority “ in Canada, I say kudos! Curious to know how you are funding your case and if you have a funding platform

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Jack, thank you very much for the kind words! :) I am self-funding my case, and while I haven't set up a fundraiser for it, anyone who wants to pitch in a gift to help cover fees can do so through my Buy Me a Coffee, or direct through PayPal. If those platforms are problematic, and if there were enough interest, I may explore other options.

Those links are:

- Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liamsturgess

- PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theliamsturgess

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Hi Liam, you may know this but just in case you don't, you can place Buy Me a Coffee links as buttons on each article you write. I place one at the top and one at the bottom every time I publish a new piece:


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That's a great idea, I will try it out! Thank you!

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The way to do it is create a custom button within the substack post. Then just enter the text and URL as:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liamsturgess

Once you do it once you can just copy it each time or go thru that simple process.

Don't get lost (as I did) trying to do it from the buymeacoffee.com end.

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Thank you for following this through to a hopefully successful end.

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Bravo! Hold them to account!

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Thanks, Irene!

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Good to hear you're taking them to task. I wish more people had your courage of conviction. Good luck! (And sidebar - is there a potential issue with you posting this story WHILE you're still actively suing them? I imagine you asked your counsel if there's an issue, but I'm concerned that you might compromise your case).

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Hey Dawn, thanks for the kind words, and for sharing your thoughts. First of all, advocating for oneself in the court of public opinion is a fundamental right. Second, all of the information I've shared here is part of my public filing, as this is a case in open federal court.

This is a case challenging a federal government policy that affects all Canadians, not just me, and as such, it is very important that people are made aware of what happened. Staying silent in the face of discrimination is to implicitly accept and perpetuate that same discrimination.

Put another way, think about how many people spoke out over the last few years while in the middle of their own legal actions of various kinds. If they had stayed silent simply because they were engaged in legal action, we would never have heard their stories and never known the extent of the issues we as a people face.

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I agree with you 100%. Just needed to understand the legal consequences. I want you to WIN YOUR CASE!!

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