A lot to unpack here, but IMHO, this rivals The Corbett Report's 'New World Next Week'. And they have being doing this kind of thing for a very long time...

"I stand with the people all over the world suffering from the actions taken by their own governments..."

But that statement possibly absolves the masses from accountability... The kind of totalitarianism we are currently experiencing (at least in the West) would not be possible without public cooperation & even full-blown public endorsement... Mattias Desmet & others have spoken about this phenomenon recently...

I feel the root of this constant cycle of abuse, violence & exploitation lies deep within the human condition - recognising these dilemmas may be the first step towards breaking out of this vicious circle.

'More activism' (the battle cry of most popular 'influencers') may just lead to 'more of the same'... More self-awareness, self-reliance & personal development is where I would tend to gravitate.

On a more positive note, it's good to hear that parents are reluctant to go along with the experimental gene therapies - it would appear that the protective 'maternal instinct' is stronger than mainstream propaganda & even unethical applied psychology.

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I take that as a huge compliment, thank you! :)

As for your point on accountability, I completely agree with you, but these are also a range of issues making up a larger crisis. By that I mean the specific military operation in Ukraine is not the same event as the mass vaccination campaign, though you can make a few arguments as to why they're both part of the larger picture.

In both situations, however, there are normal people complicit in crimes ranging from annoying to horrific. I do not differentiate between people as far as this person is "the government" and this person is "the citizen", when evaluating culpability. If you commit a crime, you are responsible.

But also remember that many of the same people committing these crimes are also victims themselves. That does not absolve them of the crimes they perpetuate (think pharmacists giving shots without informed consent, or police illegally arresting peaceful protesters). It does make the situation more nuanced, though.

Basically, I agree with you, but I'm fighting for humanity, and that includes a looooot of bad people. It's my job to advocate for every person to be treated equally under the law; that means some people will finally be released from under the tyrannical boot, while others will finally see their day in court - and all that follows as consequence.

On your second point, I once again completely agree. Seeking to address the internal problems that leads us consistently down the wrong path is the best way forward!

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"...that statement possibly absolves the masses from accountability... The kind of totalitarianism we are currently experiencing (at least in the West) would not be possible without public cooperation & even full-blown public endorsement.." I have had the very same thought. And here as well: "the root of this constant cycle of abuse violence & exploitation lies deep within the human condition". Well said on both counts.

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Thank you, at least I now know that I'm not alone in my delusions :-)

I guess I'm frustrated at so many appeals for more activism (call to arms) by groups with their own elitist ambitions, or no understanding of how we got into this mess in the first place.

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I feel your frustration. Yup. Intense frustration.

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