Excellent round up!

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Thanks Tonika! 😎

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Very comprehensive great post, thanks. When the epidemic, the convenient crisis, was first spoken of I remember hearing of new commercial real estate interest in biological research laboratories. They seemed to be springing up everywhere like our corner Walgreens & CVS stores. This brought to mind the phenomenon of Elizabeth Holmes and her short lived success with Big Tech and her blood testing machines. This biotechnology state has been on the advance for a long time. All the things you link are involved. Our language, our thinking, our reality is being distorted by these international members of the Corporatocracy. It is like a vast interwoven scheme to entrap we the people at every level. And it is working.

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Good Article... But.... There are a few points i like to give my ZEN to.


I was a weak boy and had lots of issues with ligaments and health.

Ever since I started CHINESE KUNG FU my health improved to such an extend that I need no doctor no medicine and certainly no Vxx.

I also have no fear. And since most Illness are psychosomatic in nature I have no fear of becoming Ill and therefore I don't get ill.

I and my body can deal with anything that comes our ways.

One hour of training each day and a cup of tea keeps the doctor away... for life.


Bitcoin is a scam. The only value it has is imaginary. It is like flogging a dead horse.


This "technology" was invented by Herrman Hollerith of IBM for the Concentration camps Auschwitz Birkenau. It is Identical. It is basically an Identification based Database of everything. The Auschwitz Tattoo is replaced by a QR code soon to be replaced by Elon Musk Neural Link Implant or a Chip.

The Punchcard Database is replaced with a Digital Database with infinite more possibilities and it is infinitely more dangerous.

I recomend Edwin Black (who is a Jew) and his book "IBM and the Holocaust" on that subject.


What really matters is Food and Shelter.

Economy is a scam.

Food is being destroyed to artificially increase the value by scarcity.

I call this a criminal act.

Same for housing.


I propose the end of Aviation.

I propose a global network of Hypersonic Zero Emission Trains.

All transportation of goods and people will be done at Hypersonic speed with ABSOLUTE ZERO EMISSIONS FOREVER.

It is a complete System of Transport & Infrastructure bringing education electricity Internet TV Telefone & more to everyone everywhere.

Nobody needs to lose anything & the world will be much better.

I kill the WEF and the "Green New Deal"


What is more I can create one million Jobs and more with this my Invention.

And they are all high value high education Jobs in Agriculture Computer science Production Transportation +++

I provide a Future where other folks want you to suffer.

That's my ZEN

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